Why Join

Faith, fellowship and fun

CRECHE is Catholic, vibrant, spiritual, and Apostolic. We are an all-volunteer support group run by Catholic homeschooling moms. We offer many opportunities for children to learn and grow in faith and virtue alongside their peers. We strive to provide a variety of activities for all age groups, as well as opportunities to bring entire families together. Moms are able to develop a support network of other moms, especially those who may be further along on their homeschooling journey, and children are able to develop lifelong friendships.

Activities and events for all ages

We offer faith studies, recreational activities, moms’ nights, field trips, pilgrimages, service projects, and family events throughout the year. We meet regularly on 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at a local church. These meetings usually begin with Mass for our group. Field trips and other events are  scheduled on 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.

Membership benefits

Many events and activities are included with the CRECHE membership fee. Additional events and opportunities may be offered at a reduced group rate, or may be free for CRECHE members. By presenting your CRECHE membership card, you may be eligible for homeschool discounts at various stores, businesses, zoos, museums, and other venues.

CRECHE members can also receive a $15 discount on Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) membership.

For more information about CRECHE meetings, please contact registration@crechehomeschool.org

Homeschooling FAQ

We are asked questions about homeschooling all the time! What are your reasons for homeschooling? What does your day look like? How do your children socialize? Which curriculum do you use?  The answers are different for each family. For parents who are interested in homeschooling, we suggest you start by visiting the Home School Legal Defense Association website: www.hslda.org.  CRECHE is a member organization of this important homeschooling resource. Many of your questions can be answered at their website. In addition, you will find a list of all member homeschooling groups in your area.